Tuesday, September 29, 2009


After Arnes did PT with Justin's unit we made him climb a rope.


Daddy and daughter snuggle up while watching sports.

Foil Faces

Justin and Jenyce molding their faces out of tin foil...why they wanted to do that, I have yet to find out.


Aralynn (sitting in Justin's lap) kept shooting Carter's target...which made Carter the winner!...Sorry Daddy.
Jenyce and Arnes wanted to see who could get the most tickets...Jenyce totally won =)

Slumber Party

Aralynn and Carter take Jenyce and Arnes' bed, but that's ok...they will snuggle right in with them.

Pretty Princess

Daddy Puppy

Get in there Daddy! Aralynn puts her puppy in the kennel.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Goofy Kids

Way To Go!!

Funny story...So, we have been trying to get Carter to ride his bike without training wheels for A LONG time now. We have bribed him with ice cream, chucke cheese...SO MANY THINGS!!...Finally, I told him I will give him $100.00 if you ride your bike, but he still wouldn't even sit on the thing. Well, this morning he comes running into the house, "Mommy! Look what I can do!" Sure enough, he gets on that bike and rides it for the first time without training wheels! It looks like he has been doing it forever...and what does he say when he gets off..."Mommy, you owe me 100 bucks!" Note to self: Don't ever bribe kids with money ever again!

Way to go Carter!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Student Of The Month

Carter got Student Of The Month! Qualifications for the student of the month is: Arrives at school regularly and on time in dress code. The student is prepared for class and ready to work. All assignments are completed as specified by the classroom teacher. The student must display consideration for the rights and property of others. Respects the rights and opinions of others by refraining from rudeness, inappropriate language, and any form of disruptive classroom behavior. Adheres to and follows all school rules and guidelines. The student must show positive conduct as a good citizen of Lincoln Elementary School.

His teacher told me that her helper got another job in Florida. Carter stepped up and has helped her out every way he can. He even walks kids to the nurse's office, bathroom, and the library.


Carter receiving his first medal ever! (Mommy had tears in her eyes)


Congratulations Carter!
(He also gets to put his hand print on the cafeteria wall)


To celebrate we went to Logan's RoadHouse. Our waitress took Carter to the middle of the restaurant and yelled "Stop what you're doing! Finish what you're chewin' This kid got student of the month!" The whole restaurant gave him a big, loud, "Yee-Haw"!

Peanut Shells

The kids LOVED throwing peanut shells on the ground!

Lazy Day

Carter and Aralynn have a lazy day. Watching cartoons and staying in their pj's is always fun to do every once in a while.

Nap Time

Aralynn and Daddy take a nap together

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

Potty Chair!

Our little girl isn't so little anymore! She enjoys doing her thing while watching cartoons.

She did it! Very proud little girl (Mommy and Daddy are extremely excited!)

And she is done!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Carter's Class

Carter's class has lots of fun learning. Here are just a few things they do...

Letters And Numbers

Learn to recognize letters and numbers.

Reading Books

They read books together.