Saturday, July 31, 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010


I just got a email from a FRG member. The soldiers that are with Justin still don't have some of their supplies that they sent off in February. There are a handful of soldiers that don't even have a pillow. So, there is a church group by Fort Campbell that raised enough money to buy all those soldiers pillows and are currently being mailed off to them. But there is a heartwarming story that goes with this...
There are two girls, ages 9 and 10, who went home after hearing about the soldiers and decided to sleep without their pillows just to see what it was like. Of course it was very uncomfortable and they didn't sleep well that night. This family is very poor and the girls have small jobs for the summer where they have been saving to buy school clothes for next year. They took their savings (a whole $39) and donated it to the soldiers.
After hearing that story the FRG is trying to get donations for the girls to actually get nice school clothes. If you are interested in donating please let me know!! I will be mailing my donation to them on Monday, and I can mail yours with mine if you would like!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Little Fish

It was a great day swimming! Both kids are little fish!!

Aralynn Is Swimming!

Aralynn is a little swimmer! We put the life jacket on her and off she went, ALL BY HERSELF! Mommy is still shocked! Carter and Aralynn both learned how to swim this summer. :) Aralynn will even jump into the pool by herself now too. Grandpa stands by her just incase, but she does it on her own.

Turtle Syndrome

When Aralynn starts kicking sometimes she accidentally leans back too far and gets stuck on her back side. She will kick and kick, and eventually (usually) she will flip back. We call it the "Turtle Syndrome", stuck on her back just like a turtle.


When she gives up trying to flip back over she just calmly calls out "Ampa" (Grandpa). Grandpa puts the net out for her and she grabs on as he pulls her back to the deck.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Jellystone Train

We went on the train at Jellystone. Carter and Aralynn even got to push the horn, they were very excited.


The kids went on the paddle boats, or what Aralynn calls "The Duckies" with Grandma and Grandpa.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010


You are now looking at CPL. Olson!!! Congrats Justin!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


The beautiful sunset.

Aralynn is very good at mixing, she didn't spill once!

This picture speaks for itself...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Birthday America

Thank you to all the men and women who are/were serving our country. We appricate everything you do for us, espcially SPC. Olson, you make us so PROUD! THANK YOU!


Aralynn LOVED the fireworks! In the car she said, "Mommy, fireworks! Yeah Baby!" Mommy got a kick out of that! Every time a firework went off she would guess what color it was going to be. She mostly guessed red, blue, and purple.
She also wanted Daddy to come with us to watch the show. :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Joker Smile

Aralynn's little Joker smile! :)

Shipping Aralynn

Aralynn found a box and climbed right in it. I asked her what she was doing and she said, "Daddy!" So, I guess we are shipping Aralynn off to see Daddy! Watch out Daddy, here she comes!! :)